Life Live by Maja
3 min readMar 7, 2021


Digital marketing


Writing a blog is not that simple. Even though I do it out of love, even though this is a place where I express my emotions and thoughts, there are some rules. I learn to read these rules, I attend online seminars, I am looking for the best teacher of digital marketing. of course, I want someone to read everything I write, I have found my teacher. It was the recommendation of my sister who has been in the marketing business for a long time and whom I thank on this occasion for supporting and helping me. I do my digital marketing on my own according, to the instructions I received from my sister. So I set out to follow the instructions of internet marketing experts and I can freely call it, a shark in this technological sea. A man of incredible energy and creativity, a world-renowned expert, lecturer, innovator. He adapted his lectures to us who are beginners, he simplified the vocabulary and explains in an understandable way. There is simply no mistake in his work, perfection, love for his job, complete dedication. I can listen to him for hours, a man with a hundred ideas in a moment. When I feel tired and look at a blank paper for hours, when I have no idea what to write, HE is there. A great mover, a messiah for all bloggers, because he is the best-named blogger. I feel that I don’t have so much knowledge and skills that I can follow his instructions that lead to success, and that is, the audience, the readers of the blog and I still work and write in my own way. I’m still out of the current way of advertising, at least not as much as I should be. I am guided by the feeling that someone will find and love my way of writing, that he will enjoy my saga. Many of my followers characterized my blog as a saga and I liked it.


The point of this article is something else entirely. I was worried about that man. He works incredibly hard and I guess he doesn’t have time for his private life. In one video, he explained how to make a quality vlog with cheap equipment and, among other things, presented the diet he eats. Then, he said that he does not have time to think about what he would eat and that he would like to invent something to get food through the infusion, liquids. My opinion is that he is constantly at the computer and presents him with a problem of separation from the workplace because he would have to spend time for a meal. He is very successful, and it is amazing to be everywhere and at the same time dedicate it to his life. I believe that he does not detach himself from the phone, that he travels more by plane than he walks.

Maybe some miracle happened, so he read this article and recognized himself.

I am sure of one thing, he loves what he does and that is his way of life.

Anyway, thank him for being there for all of us trying to succeed in this digital jungle.

And I will finish with this, exist a person who works more than me !!!

